Thursday, February 19, 2009

The this video it will change your life.

This truly touched me...please take a moment and watch it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wedding Pictures

These are pictures from my sister's December wedding...

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's been a long, hard week!

It has been a very long week. Lots of stuff going on and usual trials too. I have heard so many sad stories this week and just makes my heart sad! From children being abused and killed, to crime and let us not forget the state of the economic crisis and all that entails. To add to this long week, Mr. Bluedot has had a very stressful week.

I am longing for carefree days gone by...when life was more happy than sad and more simple. I am hoping this weekend brings some down time from the hustle and bustle of this past week. Some good quality family time.

married for

Daisypath Anniversary tickers