Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday!  The blog carnival that MckMama created.  Head on over to her blog and check what everyone else has been not doing...

I did not forget earth hour...I am always a good steward of mother earth and would never not realize it was earth hour until it was over.

I did not spend 3 hours cleaning bluedotprincess' room on Saturday...I would never allow my child's room to get that out of control.

I did not let bluedotteen watch The Hangover with us on Friday night and pause the movie and embaress him with random questions about the birds and the bees.  I am a great mom and would never allow my son to watch a unrated version of a movie, much less embarress him...oh and if I did that I most certainly would not have laughed and laughed at his embarssement.

I did not have a fabulous weekend and want it to last longer.  I am always so ready for Monday morning and the return to work and school.

There you have my not me's!  I hope everyone has a terrific week!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

FREE therapy!!! Thank you very much!

Hello blog world…here we are another week another round of ‘thank you very much’…hey this is free therapy for me, FREE!

To my massage therapist who had to reschedule my appointment…I know you need a day off, but you were just on vacation and I had been looking forward to my massage for over a week…thank you very much.

To my insurance company for not covering my medicine and to my dr’s office for still not contacting the insurance company to appeal…I really need my medicine, so thank you both very much!

To my darling little princess who while getting a snack afterschool tells her friend who does not have money to go see me I’ll give them money…money doesn’t grow on trees (or at least any I know of) thank you very much!

To starbucks for making the cinnamon dolce latte a must have for me daily…do you put crack in your coffee, cause I can’t live without it, thank you very much!

To my son who continues to make me pay for my raising by his smart mouthing and teen attitude...thank you very much; but you will pay for this with your own children and I get to watch-- THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Because everyone needs a little therapy and this is just the right price FREE, head on over to Kmama's blog and link up…you won’t regret it and you’ll feel so much better!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ahhh spring break went by too fast!

spring break went by way too fast for me! we had a glorious started out with my birthday :) followed by a trip to beaufort, sc; with side trips to hilton head, sc and charleston, sc. we stayed with some wonderful friends of ours that we met while we lived in nc...alex rediscovered his 7 year old self and legos. tulley had a blast with her friend hannah!

i think my favorite part of the trip was hanging out on the beach watching the kids play in the sand and walking around charleston. we loved the sc coast so much, that we have already booked a condo there for our summer vacation! i can't wait! a whole week of playing at the beach...i want to go back to charleston and want to visit savannah this trip too!

all in all it was a great spring break. i hated to see it end and all of our family time come to an end. i have an awesome family, btw!

so my countdown has begun for summer vacation...63 days and counting!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Therapy Thursday...Thank you very much!

It's Thursday and I have decided to partipate in Kmama's "Thank you very much" I hope you link up and play along and while you're over at Kmama's - be sure to check out everyone else's "Thank you very much" Thursday therapy too.
The Daily Dribbles

To the rainy weather that soaked me and bluedotprincess this morning getting from the car into the school, thank you very much! There is nothing we bluedots like more than to be wet and cold to start our days!

To my sweet bluedotprincess who dressed herself yesterday and did not notice until we were in the school parking lot that her pants were wrong side out...which caused big drama and having to correct them in the car, thank you very much!

To my brain who did not remember that yesterday was school picture day for bluedotprincess and earned me the bad mommy she explained it she was the ONLY one who did not dress up for pictures, Thank you very much!

To bluedotteen for your unrelenting attitude, with a major TUDE, thank you very much! I love being blamed for things that are in no way my fault because you are never to blame for anything! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

To the bicycle riders I seem to encounter too often...I don't mind sharing the road with you, but please don't ride in the middle of the lane, that isn't cool! Thank you very much!

To my wonderful husband, who is trying so hard to make my birthday week great...he is doing and awesome job and is making up for missing it the past 4 years because of conferences, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

So who do you need to thank? Head on over to Kmama's blog and enjoy some free therapy too!

Friday, March 5, 2010

march 5th...a very important day in history!

march 5 is a very important day in history...the following things happened on this date:
*1770 the Boston massacre
*1933 the last free election in Germany until after world war ii
*1946 Winston Churchill delivered his famous iron curtain speech
*1953 Soviet dictator Josef Stalin died at the age of 73, after 29 years in power
*1960 Elvis Presley ends 2 year hitch in us army
*1963 Pasty Cline was killed in a plane crash
*1982 John Belushi dies of a drug overdose at 33
*1997 North and South Korean representatives met for the first time in 25 years for peace talks

but the most important thing that happened on this date in history:
1971 Roger Torbert born

happy birthday Roger...the world is such a better place with you in it!
i love you,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

i love these shows on wednesday nights...

the middle and modern family are two of my all time favorite tv shows. last night's new episodes were hillarious! favorite lines:
the middle
"My expectations were already low, and I'm still disappointed."

brick whispering an additional letter, priceless

modern family oh god, this show is just made of win. just funny and endearing from start to finish.

(what is your greatest fear?)
cam: Losing Mitchell.
Mitch: Awwww! ... Hotel bedspreads.

(on inviting your pediatrician to your home)
Mitch: I'm sorry, "bold"?
Cam: She said no patient had ever done it before.
Mitch: Yeah, subtext: "This is weird."
Cam: I didn't hear any subtext.
Mitch: ... ... ... Do you hear any now?

Gloria: The party. (Jay looks at her.) The party!!!
Jay: I understand about 20% of what goes on in here. (I thought nothing escapes you in your own home, Jay?)

Phil: "Pants"... Or maybe, "Fancy Ponce."
Luke: Ha ha ha, that's a good one. (they are so cute together.)

Luke: That way my truck!! Grandpa gave it to me!!

Cam: Thank you, the recipe's from the now-defunct Gourmet magazine. (how current!) Why do all the things I love go away?

Cam: (to Lily) Your daddies are being ridiculous.
Lily (?): Mommy.
Cam: Okay. Well...
Dr.: (comforting Cam)
Cam: No no no, SHE'S MADE HER CHOICE!!

Gloria: Manny, you were afraid to light the barbecue. But now your eyebrows have grown back, and now your salmon is legendary!

Alex: Oh my God, you and dad together suddenly make so much sense.

two excellent tv shows that make me laugh out loud! a nice comedic bump in the middle of my week that i look forward to.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

man i need to blog more...

so in theory, i thought that i would blog a lot! but as it turns out i am a every few months blogger :( so here goes with my trying to blog more!

i have a 15 year old...he will be 16 in a few short months. he is 'dating' this girl and they went to the sadie hawkins dance this past weekend. she has spent a good bit of time at our house and he at her house...all this lovey dovey makes me remember back to when i was 15. i dated my husband when i was 15, well the dating consisted of him coming to my house, going to church or somewhere with my family and me going with him to a beauty pageant at our school one time! my parents were ultra strict! we only dated a few months and then went our separate ways...he did call me lots during my senior year to ask me out but i always had plans ;-)

man time sure does fly by. seems like only yesterday that i was a giggly 15 year old girl so excited with butterflies in my stomach from being 'in love' with this cool guy! now look at us we have a sophomore and kindergartner and have been married for almost 18 years. we have had some really awesome times and some really horrible times. but i would not change one minute of it...changing one thing could change us and our children. God sure does know what he is doing..he gave me a wonderful husband.

married for

Daisypath Anniversary tickers