Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a halloweenish hodgepodge

it is a halloweenish hodgepodge...i am linking up with joyce over at from this side of the pond...go on over and check out everyone's answers and link up and answer them for yourself!

1. What gives you goosebumps?
singing certain songs at church...hearing someone tell of a moving event in their lives...

2. Halloween-are you a lover or a hater? Okay, that sounds harsh...Halloween-yay or nay?
eh...could take it or leave it!  i don't like all the really scary costumes.  or the ones that make it look like someone is dead/severely injured.  bluedotprincess is going to be a witch this year, but it is a happy witch costume not a scary one!  while i am talking about halloween, what is up with people decorating their yards/houses?  I mean a pumkin, scarecrow, flowers....yes that is fine, but huge fake spider webs and fake spiders the size of a horse, really?  i just don't understand it.  we have a house close to us that has lights and blow looks like clark griswald's halloween spectacular!

3. Can you respect someone you do not trust, and can you trust someone you do not respect?
no and no! if i can't trust you then there is no way i will respect you and if i do not respect you there is no way i will/can trust you.  unfortunately lots of politicians fall into this category!

4. Apples or oranges? Yes, you have to choose.
i love them both, but i love apples in the autumn. 

5. What is something you wish was in your town? (shop, restaurant, attraction, etc)
ikea, hands down!  i love that place!  it probably is a good thing i do not have one in my town otherwise we would be living under the interstate will all my ikea stuff!

6. What non-food item is in your refrigerator or freezer?
dog medicine is in the refrigerator and cool packs for bluedotteen because he has to ice sometimes after football games/practice.

7. Are you at all superstitious?
yes...i wish i was not but i am.  i am ocd too, so it could be a combo.  

8. Insert your own random thought here.
tomorrow night marks the last regular season home game for my son.  time has went by so fast, i cannot believe that his hs football career is nearing its end.  it looks like we will make it into the playoffs, while i am ready to have our friday nights and weekends free again, i am dreading that last game.  

happy wednesday y'all,

Monday, October 24, 2011

not me monday...

i am linking up with mckmama over at my charming kids to admit my shortcomings show my awesomeness!

i most certainly didn't send bluedotprincess to bed when she was complaining about her finger hurting only to take her to the doctor the next day to discover that her finger was broken.  i mean i am an awesome mom who dotes on her children and would never kiss a boo boo and tell them to go to bed and it would feel better in the morning!

i didn't get in a hurry at work using the giant paper cutter only to grab the blade and not the handle, causing a big cut on my finger.  i am always calculated and never i am not accident prone!

i didn't ship bluedotprincess off to her grandmother's so bluedotdad and i could have a date...i love my children and enjoy every minute with them, even if it consists of be quiet, eat your food, be still, etc.

head on over to mckmama's blog and link up is like free therapy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

hodgepodge time!

it is wednesday and i am linking up with joyce at from this side of the pond for wednesday hodgepodge.

1. How do you typically react in a sudden, extreme, pressure-filled crisis? Would we want you nearby in an emergency?
i have the ability to remain calm and do whatever necessary during a crisis.  i actually work well under lots of pressure.  however, once the event is done, get ready for some water works as i will have a complete breakdown, think of all the what-if's, etc...

2. Caramel apple-caramel sundae-caramel corn-caramel macchiato...of the four, which carmel treat would you choose?
NONE...i detest caramel!  i live in a family of caramel loving fools, so i make things they like, but never eat it, yuck!

3. Is there such a thing as destiny? Explain.
that is tricky!  i think we can change the course of our lives at any moment.  each action has a reaction, so whatever choice we make leads us to one destiny or another.  i am very thankful that God gave us free will to make our own decisions, however hard making the right decisions are!

4. What's your favorite piece of furniture? I'm referring to something currently in your possession as opposed to something on your wish list.
my bed!  several years ago we invested in an awesome bedroom suite and mattress/box springs.  it feels like i am sleeping on a cloud....i miss it right now, because it is in storage as we do some work at my parents house before we can move it in...oh how i miss my bed.  i think i will go by the mini storage this afternoon just to give it a squeeze and tell it how much i miss it!

5. Wednesday night marks the start of the 2011 Baseball World Series. Did you know? Do you care? Will you be watching? Ever been to a professional baseball game? If you're not an American do you find the title 'World Series' annoying or amusing? 
i knew the world series was coming up....not a huge baseball fan.  i have been to several professional baseball games.  frankly, they bore me!  i am a football/basketball lover!  i think baseball moves to slow and the games are too long. i will watch it for my husband who likes baseball though.

6. A sound that takes me back to my childhood is____________.
quite nature...we lived in the country and the sound of birds, insects, frogs, etc without the sound of cars, was pure heaven!

7. On average, once you've linked your hodgepodge post to mine how many other participant blogs do you visit? Do you ever come back to the Hodgepodge later in the day or even the day after to read posts?
i try to look at all the links that are posted when i link up...if it is an extremely busy day, it may the weekend before i can go back and look at the links.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
saw this on pinterest and had to share it as my randomness!

happy wednesday y'all,

Monday, October 17, 2011

god is so good...

have you ever just been struggling, really struggling and you talk to a friend, see a tweet, etc that just makes you refocus and feel peaceful? that happened to me today, when i saw this tweet from the youth minister at our church:

why am i spending all this time worrying, struggling?  i just need to turn it all over to god and let him conquer it for me! thanks cody for making me think!

Friday, October 14, 2011

cluttered mind

i have a lot on my mind...trying to make sense of this crazy world and life...praying this prayer repeatedly!

blessings blogworld,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

tellies this season

so i am a little excited about the new season of tv... here is what i think so far:

sunday -- the amazing race, it is the amazing this show!
monday -- so far nothing has really just been fabulous...i will watch mike & molly, dancing with the stars or catch up on dvr'd shows.
tuesday -- new girl, was anticlimatic. although, last night's episode was hilarious so it has been saved from being axed from the dvr / raising hope - oh my goodness, i love this show!

wednesday -- the middle/ subeurgatory/ modern family, but my favorite is revenge...ohhh this show has sucked me in and i love it!

thursday --  the big bang theory- this show is so funny!  i love this cast and their chemistry.  the office is doesn't make me sad to just dvr it and watch it whenever.  prime suspect is another favorite...really like this series.

what are you watching?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

it is a bluedot hodgepodge

it's wednesday and i am linking up with joyce at from this side of the pond 

1. What's your favorite meal to serve on a chilly autumn evening? taco soup is my absolute favorite...some people call it southwestern chili, either way it is super delish!  it is a really hearty soup and one of the reasons i love it is because there are always leftovers so i can have it in my lunch too!

2. Are you a creature of habit? Explain. the older i get, the more a creature of habit i become.  i used to make fun of my husband because he has an order for everything.  i mean everything!  i feel lost when i am not doing whatever the task in the right order.  

3. What food product (no longer readily available) do you remember and miss from days gone by? i really can't think of a food product that isn't readily available.  we have just moved, so our biggest problem at the grocery is that they do not have an international food section.  

4. What's something you've lost that you've never been able to find? Any theories as to what happened? i lost my wedding band almost 2 years ago.  i was sick and the band had gotten loose.  i think one of 2 things happened, i dropped it in the hallway and it fell into the radiator or it fell off and was lost forever.  it really does make me sad that it is gone.  i can get a replacement ring, i have one, but it just isn't the same as the wedding band my husband gave me on our wedding day.

5. Zoo~circus~ carnival...your favorite? carnival for sure! i like the atmosphere of going from one event to another with the variety that a carnival offers.  

6. What song makes you feel instantly happy? any song by george michael!

7. To what extent are you an argumentative person? i am an argumentative person to the extent that i always want the last word.  drives my husband crazy!

8. Insert your own random thought here. i have a question for the blog do you tell someone that they are wearing too much cologne?  there is someone i work with and you smell them coming and their smell lingers, and lingers, and lingers.  a little dab will do, but this guy must pour a whole bottle on him before he leaves home.  any suggestions on how to nicely tell him to lay off of the cologne?

happy wednesday,

married for

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