Wednesday, October 5, 2011

it is a bluedot hodgepodge

it's wednesday and i am linking up with joyce at from this side of the pond 

1. What's your favorite meal to serve on a chilly autumn evening? taco soup is my absolute favorite...some people call it southwestern chili, either way it is super delish!  it is a really hearty soup and one of the reasons i love it is because there are always leftovers so i can have it in my lunch too!

2. Are you a creature of habit? Explain. the older i get, the more a creature of habit i become.  i used to make fun of my husband because he has an order for everything.  i mean everything!  i feel lost when i am not doing whatever the task in the right order.  

3. What food product (no longer readily available) do you remember and miss from days gone by? i really can't think of a food product that isn't readily available.  we have just moved, so our biggest problem at the grocery is that they do not have an international food section.  

4. What's something you've lost that you've never been able to find? Any theories as to what happened? i lost my wedding band almost 2 years ago.  i was sick and the band had gotten loose.  i think one of 2 things happened, i dropped it in the hallway and it fell into the radiator or it fell off and was lost forever.  it really does make me sad that it is gone.  i can get a replacement ring, i have one, but it just isn't the same as the wedding band my husband gave me on our wedding day.

5. Zoo~circus~ carnival...your favorite? carnival for sure! i like the atmosphere of going from one event to another with the variety that a carnival offers.  

6. What song makes you feel instantly happy? any song by george michael!

7. To what extent are you an argumentative person? i am an argumentative person to the extent that i always want the last word.  drives my husband crazy!

8. Insert your own random thought here. i have a question for the blog do you tell someone that they are wearing too much cologne?  there is someone i work with and you smell them coming and their smell lingers, and lingers, and lingers.  a little dab will do, but this guy must pour a whole bottle on him before he leaves home.  any suggestions on how to nicely tell him to lay off of the cologne?

happy wednesday,


  1. I feel so bad for you about the wedding band. I would be heartsick1 I lost my engagement ring for two weeks and finally found it wedged between the headboard and the carpet in our bedroom.

    As for the cologne ,that's tricky w/ a co-worker. Does he have a sense of humor? You could try the ole "Whoa, Jack! Did you have an accident?" and he'll say, "what do you meah?" and you say, "With the cologne bottle. I think it won." Or, is it possible to tell him that it's a nice scent but the amount is overpowering? If that doesn't work, don't be afraid to mention it to his supervisor. Chances are if it the smell's bother you, it's bothering others, too.

  2. I had a ring that was a family heirloom and a gift from my grandmother fall off about one month after she died. I was so heartbroken. I can't imagine how it would feel to loose a wedding band.

    The cologne is a really touchy subject. I honestly have no idea how I would handle that. Good luck.

  3. I wish I knew the answer to the cologne question to help you, it is a tricky one! It's similar to when somebody in your office/workplace who doesn't have particularly good personal hygiene and they need to be told to have a wash. Tricky. Maybe you could drop a hint within earshot, or depending on how sensitive he is, you could perhaps just have a quiet word. Tell him you love the smell but sometimes it is a bit overpowering. Good luck :)

  4. :( I am sorry about your wedding band. Mine is actually attached to my engagement ring. I would have to loose both in order to loose it.. That would make me very sad if I did.

    Hmmm... I am not sure what to say in response to the person who wears too much cologne... But at least he wears it. I know people who don't wear deodorant.


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