Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Unique Gifts

I have been working on some gifts for friends and family. As the gifts have been given, I have been asked how can I get another one or one for my friends or family.

Here are a few pictures...




I can do them in various ways for you. The prices are:
8x10 = $15
5x7 = $12
4x6 = $8.50

If you are interested in ordering one please email me at bluedotmom@gmail.com

shipping charges not included

Monday, May 18, 2009


My life seems so busy...too busy. I am wondering about times where life is slower and calmer... Are there ever really times like that?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Acting a Fool at Six Flags!

Had a great time today at Six Flags...rode most of the rides, screamed my head off & enjoyed being with some of my very best friends!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am frustrated! My husband was asked to take over the youth group at our church months ago. Because of this I have become involved with planning events for this group. We are fortunate to have wonderful friends to help us with planning and chaperoning, without Lara, Ben, Marty & Melissa I don't know what we would have done! I am excited that we are going to have a youth intern this summer...I am hoping this is such a wonderful experience that it is decided we need at least a part-time youth minister!

My frustration is coming from complaints of parents & kids who do not plan anything nor help in any fashion. It seems that we have a few people who do all the work while others are pew sitters wanting to be entertained and hash out complaints about everything! I realize that this is not an isolated problem just at our church but at many if not all churches. My question is how do you get these people involved and to stop complaining? We have tried everything we can think of, but it seems that we are met with challenge after challenge from simple things to major things.

I love God and am struggling to be a good christian, maybe that is why the devil is working so hard on me. Ok...so I am putting on my big girl panties...I am going to praise God and be thankful for all things!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a really nice Easter...
Saturday was a busy day...shopping and cleaning after a morning of egg hunting with Tulley. I missed our church's egg hunt so we were fortunate that the church down the street from our house had an egg hunt on Saturday that we were able to attend. It was a very nice egg hunt with breakfast, pictures with the Easter Bunny & a story about Easter besides the egg hunt. Tulley had a great time, however she was very picky about which color eggs she was hunting. When they gave the go ahead for the hunt to begin she and a hundred other kids went running, but Tulley was looking for a certain color egg and she only ended up with 4.

It was nice to have my family at our house for lunch after church that morning. I had children's church duty so I missed the lesson. Roger worked very hard on Saturday to get the yard looking in tip top shape...and was feeling very yucky on Sunday due to the pollen. He didn't make it to church but he was feeling better once we got home to put on his Easter attire and join us for some pictures. It was nice to visit with my family and enjoy the egg hunt for Tulley. The afternoon was nice and restful.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dancing Fools!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

My Rocking Husband

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Bridge...watch this video it will change your life.

This truly touched me...please take a moment and watch it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wedding Pictures

These are pictures from my sister's December wedding...

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's been a long, hard week!

It has been a very long week. Lots of stuff going on and usual trials too. I have heard so many sad stories this week and just makes my heart sad! From children being abused and killed, to crime and let us not forget the state of the economic crisis and all that entails. To add to this long week, Mr. Bluedot has had a very stressful week.

I am longing for carefree days gone by...when life was more happy than sad and more simple. I am hoping this weekend brings some down time from the hustle and bustle of this past week. Some good quality family time.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I have been having bizarre dreams lately. As far back as I can remember, I remember dreaming and being able to remember them the next day. Sometimes my dreams are clearer than others....but lately they have been BIZARRE!

Earlier this week, I dreamt that Roger called me from a Bingo hall where he and Alex were hanging out. Alex had won $60,000 and would not share any money with him. Roger was wanting to know how much money he could gamble. He said everyone is winning and I think we could be financially set for life if I had $25,000 to gamble with. I don't remember anything else except waking up laughing! Last night I dreamt that I was an intern with the Rick & Bubba show. They were interviewing me to try and find out what my nick name should be...it was a very interesting interview!

So I wonder...what do these dreams mean? As a teenager I remember checking dream meaning books out from the library secretly. The reason it was a secret was because my family's religion did not believe in such...no astrology, no tarot cards, palm reading, etc. I suppose I should head on over to the library and pick up the dream book and see what my dreams mean!

married for

Daisypath Anniversary tickers