We had a really nice Easter...
Saturday was a busy day...shopping and cleaning after a morning of egg hunting with Tulley. I missed our church's egg hunt so we were fortunate that the church down the street from our house had an egg hunt on Saturday that we were able to attend. It was a very nice egg hunt with breakfast, pictures with the Easter Bunny & a story about Easter besides the egg hunt. Tulley had a great time, however she was very picky about which color eggs she was hunting. When they gave the go ahead for the hunt to begin she and a hundred other kids went running, but Tulley was looking for a certain color egg and she only ended up with 4.

It was nice to have my family at our house for lunch after church that morning. I had children's church duty so I missed the lesson. Roger worked very hard on Saturday to get the yard looking in tip top shape...and was feeling very yucky on Sunday due to the pollen. He didn't make it to church but he was feeling better once we got home to put on his Easter attire and join us for some pictures. It was nice to visit with my family and enjoy the egg hunt for Tulley. The afternoon was nice and restful.

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