Thursday, April 26, 2012

what a difference a day makes...

so yesterday i was really the sun is shining and i feel

  • happy
  • content
  • thankful
  • peaceful
  • loved
  • filled up
  • enough
i am going to enjoy today, cherish it!  hopefully, next time i am down, my memories of today will keep my little roller coaster chugging along...

special thanks to my friend karen for checking up on always seem to do that when i need it!  and god has blessed me with an amazing husband, special, special thanks to bluedothubs for the sweet talk he gave me last night.  you said just what i needed to hear!  i love you so much and am so thankful for you!

i hope y'all are having an amazing thursday,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

in a funk & overwhelmed!

i have a lot going on this week..a whole lot!

  • we are moving on friday and saturday, yippee!  i am excited about that so why am i in a funk?  maybe it is because even 6 weeks ago i was so unsure about the future.    
  •  i feel like a jumbled up mess of emotions.
  • a black cat ran across my path this i doomed for 7 years now? or is the 7 year thing for broken mirrors?
  • i am struggling
  • i feel like i make no sense
  • working on your character flaws when you are in a funk is not a good thing
  • maybe if i had some m & m's i'd feel always helps at lifewalk meetings!
  • why is giving things over to god so hard?
  • why do i have so many whys?
  • i don't like having a facade and i want to be transparent, but it is a scary thing
  • i wish everyone were safe or at least there were some visible, tangible way to know who was a safe person and who was not
sorry for such a blah post,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

it's time for a hodgepodge!

it's wednesday and time to link up with joyce over at from this side of the pond

1. Spring is in the air (at least in my neck of the woods) and the birds are singing...what's your favorite bird?
birds....ack!  i don't like birds of any sorts.  they scare me.  and seriously, i had a friend tweet that crows recognize faces...just another reason to shy away from them, no need to ask for an attack!

2. Speaking of you tweet? If so tell us your screen name and we'll come flocking to your Twitter site. Even if you don't let's all pretend here that we do-in 140 characters or less, sum up your week so far.
i love twitter!  no surprise, my screen name is @bluedotmom  my tweets are protected, but if you want to follow me let me know you read my blog.
to sum up my week so far: chaotic, busy, lists with lists, feeling full of hope and thankfulness!

3. Its been reported recently that employers are not only viewing the facebook pages of potential hires but they're also requesting your facebook password to have a look at what you've kept from public view. What say you?
absolutely not!  that is a violation on many different levels.  i have read articles about companies requiring people at interviews to log into their facebook account and let the interviewer or a company representative peruse the interviewees account.  now, while saying i don't think they should have access to your personal account, i do think people should grow up and realize that anything they put online that you wouldn't want to stand up and tell the entire public.  people in general need to use a filter, ie we don't need to know everything you are doing, done or are going to do, much less see all of your personal business.  

4. It's April and you know what that means-Major League Baseball is back in action. What's your favorite baseball movie? If that's too hard, what's your favorite sports themed movie?
field of dreams is hands down my favorite baseball movie!

5. Something else this season brings-asparagus. Yes please or no thanks? If it's yes please what's your favorite way to have it prepared?
why yes please!  i love asparagus.  my favorite way to prepare it is to saute it in olive oil with garlic and pepper!

6. What drives you? (Don't you love how I sandwiched that one in between asparagus and jugglers???)
joyce, you are killin' me!  because of my smartassediness (yes it is one of my made up words) literally,  a chrysler pacifica!  figuratively i would have to say that it is the new journey i am on.  if you had asked me this question just 3 months ago, i probably would have said my family, and trying to be everything and give everything to make them happy.  now, while i still want them to be happy, i realize that their happiness is just that 'theirs' and that i can only control me.  

7. April 18th is International Jugglers Day...can you juggle?
well i can throw things up in the air and can actually catch them, but i wouldn't call it juggling!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
i'm feeling a little baby boy will be graduating from high school in a few short weeks...i can't believe how incredibly fast the time has flown by.  i am so proud of that young man! 

hope y'all are having a splendid week,

Friday, April 13, 2012

whoop whoop, we're moving...

we are 2 weeks!  excitement abounds in the bluedot house as we are getting ready to move!  my lists are making lists and i am stressed (it's a good stress)

so have been spending my free moments transferring and getting our utilities on to purging, having a yard sale, packing and the big move!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


i work in a middle school...this time of year is bittersweet.  we begin hearing of teachers who are moving on (some willingly, some are being pushed out of the door because they can't work well with others, kids or otherwise).  there are people that are moving on who you are singing praises to god because they have been a thorn in everyones side and made one school year seem like 10.  but, then there are those wonderful, talented, awesome teachers who decide to expand their horizons to do bigger things who choose to leave.  we are happy for them and celebrate this accomplishment, but are so sad for us.  i have worked in several schools and finding those great teachers are like finding a 4 leafed clover in the grass.  these teachers are the ones who make a difference, a great difference, in kids lives.  they inspire children to learn, they light a fire within the child to embrace knowledge not to just learn a fact for a test and then forget it.

it is time to begin tying up the loose ends of the 2011/2012 school year and begin planning for the 2012/2013 school year.  we will say goodbye to some great friends and colleagues, good riddance to some other folks...and then summer and meeting new folks. 

happy tuesday y'all,

married for

Daisypath Anniversary tickers