Friday, January 9, 2009


I have been having bizarre dreams lately. As far back as I can remember, I remember dreaming and being able to remember them the next day. Sometimes my dreams are clearer than others....but lately they have been BIZARRE!

Earlier this week, I dreamt that Roger called me from a Bingo hall where he and Alex were hanging out. Alex had won $60,000 and would not share any money with him. Roger was wanting to know how much money he could gamble. He said everyone is winning and I think we could be financially set for life if I had $25,000 to gamble with. I don't remember anything else except waking up laughing! Last night I dreamt that I was an intern with the Rick & Bubba show. They were interviewing me to try and find out what my nick name should was a very interesting interview!

So I wonder...what do these dreams mean? As a teenager I remember checking dream meaning books out from the library secretly. The reason it was a secret was because my family's religion did not believe in astrology, no tarot cards, palm reading, etc. I suppose I should head on over to the library and pick up the dream book and see what my dreams mean!

1 comment:

  1. Based on a 6-week poetry workshop my sophomore English class did, I ended up sleeping with a dream log pretty much all through high school. Not many of them made sense, but I sure got good at remembering my dreams.

    Nowadays I'm surprised if I sleep long enough to dream, and the dreams tend to be about stretching out and relaxing. I don't need a book to tell me I need more sleep and my daughter needs her own darn bed. This self-weaning stuff is taking too long with this kid!

    BTW, here because I saw you are following me; following you back!


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