Thursday, February 24, 2011

sickness, ugh!

sorry i have fell off the blog train...unfortunately, our family has been invaded by germs!  we have had the crud followed by 2 bouts with the stomach virus'.  i suppose that is what happens when you have a child in elementary school and parents that work in an elementary school and middle school (you know the germ capitals of the world!)

we have bleached and lysoled the house and all gotten new toothbrushes.  so hopefully all the germs are gone!  we have paid our sickness dues for 2011 and will spend the rest of the year healthy & happy!


  1. How well I remember those days- when one would get sick and share with the rest of us...glad y'all are feeling better!

  2. Yeah gotta get healthy and stay healthy, especially this summer... :P Otherwise you'll miss out on cuddly baby time :D


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