i have this weird habit of nicknaming people with famous characters...no i do not call these people by the nicknames i have given them..or tell anyone but my husband and sister about them. but it breaks up the day and injects some great comic relief.
usually when this happens the real person i work with does something or has a certain affect that reminds me of a character...sometimes i know immediately who it is and sometimes it takes time and will drive me crazy until i figure it out.
this week was one of those epiphany moments where i realized that someone i work with reminds me of lt. jim dangle from reno 911. when i realized it i burst out laughing. now i would never tell this person this as it could really offend him, but he is so lt. dangle!
i have a cast of characters:
howard wolowitz from the big bang theory
dale gribble from king of the hill
brittany pierce from glee
nee nee leakes from the real housewives of atlanta
bart simpson from the simpsons
nellie oleson from little house on the prairie (when she was mean & conniving)
judge judy from judge judy
am i the only one who does this? well even if i am, it is comedy gold for me at times!
y'all have a great friday,
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
mary got a new liver
I wrote in a blog post a few days ago about my friend who was in need of a liver transplant...well SHE GOT IT!!!
she had surgery on sunday morning (or saturday night really)..she is now in a regular room...could be discharged as early as friday! GOD is so good!
thank you all for your prayers on mary's behalf...y'all are the best!
she had surgery on sunday morning (or saturday night really)..she is now in a regular room...could be discharged as early as friday! GOD is so good!
thank you all for your prayers on mary's behalf...y'all are the best!
Monday, March 21, 2011
goodbye big love
for the past five seasons i have watched big love...
i had a love/hate relationship with this series. i think i started watching out of curiosity and fell in love with these characters. i have snarked about bill and his church of his pants...i have hated nicki for her manipulative ways...i have scratched my head at barb wondering how and why she could let all of this happen to her family...and i just tried to figure margene out...
it ended last night. i cried and was happy with the way the series ended...i will miss you big love!
i had a love/hate relationship with this series. i think i started watching out of curiosity and fell in love with these characters. i have snarked about bill and his church of his pants...i have hated nicki for her manipulative ways...i have scratched my head at barb wondering how and why she could let all of this happen to her family...and i just tried to figure margene out...
it ended last night. i cried and was happy with the way the series ended...i will miss you big love!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
i hurt my husband's feelings...
a few weekends ago i cleaned out my closet...after i had cleaned it out i reorganized it. it is no surprise to most all of my friends and family that i absolutely love george michael. my room when i was a teenager was a shrine to him...i had all of his cassettes (yes i know that this is showing you how old i am) i had an entire wall of posters of him. like i said i had a shrine to him.
leap ahead many, many, many years...george michael was in concert in atlanta and i bought myself tickets to go...well one of my besties was going to go with me for the concert and we were going to have a girls weekend, but my husband decided at the last minute that he wanted to go with me....now he does not particularly care for george michael. anyway, we drove over to atlanta, and thanks to my wonderful george michael selection on my ipod we enjoyed his music all the way there! we got to atlanta and checked into our room, grabbed a bite to eat and headed down to the georgia dome to see the one and only george michael. when we got to the georgia dome, we found out that there was a problem with my tickets, after going here and there and finally getting things worked out it ended up that we were right there beside the stage!
i was super excited! it was an awesome concert! my husband found some other husbands to commiserate with whose wife's were squealing like teenagers over george. hubs actually said he had lots of fun watching me and the other wives acting like silly school girls! i had a blast and danced, danced, danced. it also seems that in my happy clapping and dancing, that i lost a diamond or two out of my wedding set.
while i lost a diamond or two from my wedding set, i left with some souvenirs, a tshirt and program. the program is filled with pictures of george throughout his career and on the back of the program is a picture of george...
fast forward to this week. hubs was in our bedroom while i was getting ready and looked in my closet...well i had placed the program on top of my dresser and it was facing out with george's picture...hubs says that hurts my feelings you look at him everyday!
so why does my having this program with his picture on it in my closet hurt my husband's feelings? i turned the program around as not to have george looking at me when i am getting ready to make my hubs feel better. while i still have a crush on george (yes i know he is gay!) i love absolutely love and adore my husband. god has blessed me with the most wonderful husband on the planet ever!
leap ahead many, many, many years...george michael was in concert in atlanta and i bought myself tickets to go...well one of my besties was going to go with me for the concert and we were going to have a girls weekend, but my husband decided at the last minute that he wanted to go with me....now he does not particularly care for george michael. anyway, we drove over to atlanta, and thanks to my wonderful george michael selection on my ipod we enjoyed his music all the way there! we got to atlanta and checked into our room, grabbed a bite to eat and headed down to the georgia dome to see the one and only george michael. when we got to the georgia dome, we found out that there was a problem with my tickets, after going here and there and finally getting things worked out it ended up that we were right there beside the stage!
i was super excited! it was an awesome concert! my husband found some other husbands to commiserate with whose wife's were squealing like teenagers over george. hubs actually said he had lots of fun watching me and the other wives acting like silly school girls! i had a blast and danced, danced, danced. it also seems that in my happy clapping and dancing, that i lost a diamond or two out of my wedding set.
while i lost a diamond or two from my wedding set, i left with some souvenirs, a tshirt and program. the program is filled with pictures of george throughout his career and on the back of the program is a picture of george...
fast forward to this week. hubs was in our bedroom while i was getting ready and looked in my closet...well i had placed the program on top of my dresser and it was facing out with george's picture...hubs says that hurts my feelings you look at him everyday!
so why does my having this program with his picture on it in my closet hurt my husband's feelings? i turned the program around as not to have george looking at me when i am getting ready to make my hubs feel better. while i still have a crush on george (yes i know he is gay!) i love absolutely love and adore my husband. god has blessed me with the most wonderful husband on the planet ever!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
it's wednesday so that means a hodgepodge...
today is wednesday and i am linking up with joyce at this side of the pond...

1. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Let's pretend this pot of gold is worth exactly $1500 (which would actually be more like a cup of gold at current values). Anyway, let's also pretend you have to spend it as opposed to making a donation someplace. Now tell me what you would do with that cup pot of gold?
as we are helping bluedotteen get ready for the prom, as in helping him rent a limo, get a tux, corsage, and make dinner reservations, it looks like that would go right to bluedotteen...seriously, the boy needs a job to help out with all of his needs!
2. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form?
i will wear green, but that is the extent of my celebrating...sad i know!
3. Have you been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug? What spring cleaning job most needs doing at your house? What spring cleaning job are you most dreading?
i have been bitten...two weekends ago i cleaned everything and cleaned out my closet...but our coat closet, bathroom closets and cabinets all need to be cleaned and organized. i really, really, really need to purge our plastic ware as we have lots of bowls with out lids to match and vice versa! if anyone would like to volunteer to do any of these chores i would be happy to oblige!
4. lime-shamrock-sage-forest...your favorite shade of green?
you know i really like all shades of green! can't choose one that is my favorite.
5. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." So...do you believe in luck or do you believe we make our own luck?
ooohhh...i honestly think we make our own luck...i think it is how we view life and how react to life. i choose to see the glass half full and be happy!
6. Monday (3/14) was Pi Day. Get it? Pi =3.14. Those math types are so clever aren't they? Since I'm not one of them tell me what's your favorite piE (the edible kind).
lemon ice box without a doubt!
7. That same date (3/14) happens to be the birthdate of the late physicist Albert Einstein. I bet he knew the value of Pi. So...what do you think is more important and or valuable in life... intelligence or common sense?
common sense....i have known brainiacs that had no common sense, example: you tell them to take the clothes out of the dryer and fold them. common sense tells you that only if they are dry would you take them out, if they are still wet you would turn them back on so they could completly dry.
example #2: i am a bookkeeper and love numbers, money, spreadsheets etc. while i understand that not everyone has my love for such, everyone has to be able to handle a checking account. well you put money into the bank and you have checks...just because you have checks does not mean you have money in the bank. YES, i have had someone tell me the reason that they wrote me a bad check was the banks fault because they had checks and the bank had made a mistake, because they wouldn't still have checks if they didn't have any money!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
i have a friend who is waiting on a liver transplant...she is very ill and playing a waiting game. it is an emotional rollercoaster for her and her family...i ask that all of my blog readers to please pray for mary as she waits. please pray for her family as they watch her be so sick...please pray for the donors family as they must go through such a loss for others to have a chance at life.
blessings all,

1. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Let's pretend this pot of gold is worth exactly $1500 (which would actually be more like a cup of gold at current values). Anyway, let's also pretend you have to spend it as opposed to making a donation someplace. Now tell me what you would do with that cup pot of gold?
as we are helping bluedotteen get ready for the prom, as in helping him rent a limo, get a tux, corsage, and make dinner reservations, it looks like that would go right to bluedotteen...seriously, the boy needs a job to help out with all of his needs!
2. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form?
i will wear green, but that is the extent of my celebrating...sad i know!
3. Have you been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug? What spring cleaning job most needs doing at your house? What spring cleaning job are you most dreading?
i have been bitten...two weekends ago i cleaned everything and cleaned out my closet...but our coat closet, bathroom closets and cabinets all need to be cleaned and organized. i really, really, really need to purge our plastic ware as we have lots of bowls with out lids to match and vice versa! if anyone would like to volunteer to do any of these chores i would be happy to oblige!
4. lime-shamrock-sage-forest...your favorite shade of green?
you know i really like all shades of green! can't choose one that is my favorite.
5. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." So...do you believe in luck or do you believe we make our own luck?
ooohhh...i honestly think we make our own luck...i think it is how we view life and how react to life. i choose to see the glass half full and be happy!
6. Monday (3/14) was Pi Day. Get it? Pi =3.14. Those math types are so clever aren't they? Since I'm not one of them tell me what's your favorite piE (the edible kind).
lemon ice box without a doubt!
7. That same date (3/14) happens to be the birthdate of the late physicist Albert Einstein. I bet he knew the value of Pi. So...what do you think is more important and or valuable in life... intelligence or common sense?
common sense....i have known brainiacs that had no common sense, example: you tell them to take the clothes out of the dryer and fold them. common sense tells you that only if they are dry would you take them out, if they are still wet you would turn them back on so they could completly dry.
example #2: i am a bookkeeper and love numbers, money, spreadsheets etc. while i understand that not everyone has my love for such, everyone has to be able to handle a checking account. well you put money into the bank and you have checks...just because you have checks does not mean you have money in the bank. YES, i have had someone tell me the reason that they wrote me a bad check was the banks fault because they had checks and the bank had made a mistake, because they wouldn't still have checks if they didn't have any money!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
i have a friend who is waiting on a liver transplant...she is very ill and playing a waiting game. it is an emotional rollercoaster for her and her family...i ask that all of my blog readers to please pray for mary as she waits. please pray for her family as they watch her be so sick...please pray for the donors family as they must go through such a loss for others to have a chance at life.
blessings all,
Thursday, March 10, 2011
earlier this week, i was cleaning out my closet and organizing things...i ran across a very special book that i had stored in my closet. it was a journal that my husband wrote to me in before we were married...he actually used the book to ask me to marry him.
oh how i fell in love all over again with my sweet husband. looking back 20 years and remembering those 'salad' days made me smile and feel giddy! i am blessed beyond measure to have such a wonderful, christian husband, who loves me!
blessing to y'all,
oh how i fell in love all over again with my sweet husband. looking back 20 years and remembering those 'salad' days made me smile and feel giddy! i am blessed beyond measure to have such a wonderful, christian husband, who loves me!
blessing to y'all,
Saturday, March 5, 2011
heaven is for real
i just finished ready heaven is for real...what an awesome book!
the book tells the story of a small boy who visits heaven and what happens when he starts telling his story to his parents. it was an easy read (i finished it in 1 day) and was heartwarming. makes me anticipate even more going to heaven and seeing my baby and other family members who have passed on.
the book tells the story of a small boy who visits heaven and what happens when he starts telling his story to his parents. it was an easy read (i finished it in 1 day) and was heartwarming. makes me anticipate even more going to heaven and seeing my baby and other family members who have passed on.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
wednesday hodgepodge
it is wednesday and i am linking up with from this side of the pond and participating in wednesday hodgepodge...
1. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday so I'm wondering...do you like green eggs and ham? Okay-how about this instead...how do you like your eggs? Or don't you?
i love eggs...i like them any way you cook them!
1. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday so I'm wondering...do you like green eggs and ham? Okay-how about this instead...how do you like your eggs? Or don't you?
i love eggs...i like them any way you cook them!
2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live?
a lion...the weather is gorgeous.
3. Do you work better or worse under pressure?
under pressure! the added pressure makes my creative self spring into action.
4. March Madness-are you a fan? It's college basketball in case you're wondering. And if you're outside the USA tell us-is there any sort of 'madness' taking place during March in your part of the world?
i like basketball. but i am not as into it now as i was when we lived in nc.
5. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?
in a quiet place...seems that my best place lately is driving.
6. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
my shoes...i absolutely love them and they are sooo comfortable!
7. Do you use sarcasm?
“Are you sarcastic?” “Well no duh!” ha, i think to stay sane these days everyone has to be sarcastic.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
this is a special week in our house...bluedotdad turns the big 40.
happy wednesday y'all,
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