baby boy is a senior in high school! where did the time go? seems like just a few days ago i was bringing home a sweet baby from the hospital...i blinked and i was taking him to preschool...i blinked again and he is a senior.
my son has taught me so much. he taught me how to be a mother. i was only 22 when he was born, so we grew up together. he taught me about love. he taught me about being free and vunerable. he taught me about little boys and how they love their mama's.
i am so proud of that boy who is/has grown into a fine young man. my time with him is flying by and while i am excited for him and all that his future holds, i am so sad. i am going to miss him eating us out of house and home. i am going to miss his silliness. i am going to miss him not being here.
cherishing every moment with him,