a return to wednesday hodgepodge...it has been a very long time since i linked up and participated in joyce's wednesday hodgepodge over at from this side of the pond, but it is about time i got back into my routine!

1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings?
i love chili...i like it red or white, i like it with beans and lots of spice. i also like to top mine with cheese, scallion onions, sour cream and a dash of hot sauce...yum!
2. Red~Orange~Gold...your favorite fall color?
this is a tough question to answer for me...if you are talking about leaf colors i like them all! fall is my favorite time of year! i love all the beautiful colors that decorate the landscape this time of year!
3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up?
i was in love with george michael...i had an entire wall of my bedroom with posters/pictures from ceiling to carpet of nothing but george michael. i was lucky enough to go see him in concert a few years ago in atlanta on his last tour to the states! i screamed and acted like a giddy teenager too! don't judge there were thousands of us there that night. of course my husband got a huge kick out of watching me.
4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and craftsy'? Share please.
thanks to pinterest (go here to see how much i love it) i have many things on the horizon. but the last really crafty thing that i did was these pictures.
5. What's a place that makes you really nervous?
loud places and chaotic places make me nervous....or overtime at rebel ballgames!
6. Horse back riding...yay or nay (neigh?) i have only been horse back riding a few times in my life...i loved it, but it is just not something that i would like to do all the time.
7. What is your favorite cliche?
this is one my husband and i use a lot: he/she has a case of the apples
8. Insert your own random thought here.
parenting is so hard at times...i hurt for my children when they make mistakes and i know that i cannot fix it for them. i honestly think that the older they get the harder it gets to have to sit back and let them learn from their mistakes.
I don't think I've ever heard 'has a case of the apples'. I agree with #8-it is so very true.
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