Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thankful for Free Therapy Thursdays...

Happy Thursday…. it's thank you very much day!  I love this free therapy where I can vent and unload all of this unwanted frustration that builds up.  We all need this, so go on type yours out, grab the button and link up so we all can share in this wonderful therapy that is FREE!!!

*To the Rooms To Go delivery men, don’t tell me things won’t fit into the room I have cleaned out and then not help me move furniture around to accommodate the delivery.  Oh and by the way bluedotdad was able to single handedly move all the furniture into the room you said it wouldn’t fit in! 

*to hh gregg and rooms to go, get your process together and have our TV ready already.... this having to wait and wait and wait is driving us nuts!  We want our big tv already!

*to bluedotteen for the love can you please clean your room…I know it is your room and stuff piled all over the place doesn’t bother you, but it really bothers me and since you don’t pay the bills you have no right to having things like you like them!

*to the football player who face-masked bluedotteen at last weeks football game, you are lucky my husband held me back, cause this mama was mad!

*to a certain family member, make your own decisions, don’t call and ask us for advice…cause we all know you are going to do whatever you want anyway!  We don’t need your drama!

*to a certain person whom I will call cruella deville, just because you can be evil, mean & nasty doesn’t mean you should…karma will get you one day and I really hope we are around to see it! 

*to bluedotprincess’s teacher, please respond to your emails!

Now I know you need some therapy too…link up and/or leave me some comments!


  1. I'd be writing a letter to RTG. They need to refund your delivery charge.

    I have a Cruella Deville in my life too. I am waiting for karma. Trying to be patient, it's just hard. :)

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. I hear ya - we have a Cruella in our lives too!

    And that teen of yours? I think my 4-year old is taking lessons... he totally prefers to leave everything out and walk around it, hee hee!

    Have a great rest of the week!

  3. Sounds like the Rooms to Go guys were just downright lazy!

  4. Ugh, I once had a Cruella in my life. Not fun.

  5. I think I know some of these but others I need you to fill me in on :) I miss you twin!


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