Thursday, October 28, 2010

it's thursday and that means it's free therapy day!

it's thursday, which means it is free therapy day, thank you very much day at the daily dribbles.

my thank you's this week go to:

  • bluedotprincess and her constant whining and crying about everything...she is 7, just think how bad it is going to be once hormones are involved!
  • bluedotteen's attitude, seriously, lose the tude!
  • bluedotdad's choice in suggesting bluedotprincess research and do her famous alabama person project on tallulah bankhead instead of hellen know it is going to be bad when the first quote you run across is 'cocaine isn't habit forming, i should know i've been using it for years'
  • to having pink-eye, which meant no contacts for almost a week. 
  • to being audited today, by a new auditor, who does not know what she needs and keeps changing her mind!
  • to the teachers who do not plan ahead, seriously, your failure to plan does not constitute an emergency on my part!
i feel so much better now!  ok, now it is your turn...type out those frustrations, get it all off your chest and don't forget to link up at the daily dribbles!


  1. LOL at that quote. And she's 7 and doing a report on this person? Hilarious.

    Sorry about the pinkeye. I can't imagine going without my contacts for a whole week.

    Thank you for linking up!

  2. yep she is 7 and now we will have to basically do all the research and 'edit' it to be age appropriate! when i say we, you know i mean me!

    love thank you very much thursdays! thanks for hosting!


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