do you have a moocher in your life? i have been sucked in and helped the moocher more times than i care to remember and finally said enough! so i have an acquaintance who is a moocher...they are a friend on facebook so i see them mooching off of other people all the time.... well i used to see it before i blocked them from appearing in my status feeds. but now they have other people requesting help for the moocher so that is how i know about it...
so why can't i just de-friend the moocher? i mean i really could care less what is going on with them...well that sort of describes a lot of people in my friend list. i have set up privacy groups in my facebook so i really only have a select few 'friends' who can actually see anything about me....everyone else thinks i am never on facebook because they can't see my status updates, pictures, information, etc. so why don't i just de-friend them all?
i think what it boils down to is i don't want to hurt any one's feelings...why should i care if their feelings are hurt? i am a good southern girl who has spent her entire life trying to make everyone happy and a majority of that time has been to my detriment.
i started this year with the goal of simplifying my life and i think this is a big area that needs to be simplified. i need to clean out my friends list and really only have true 'friends' in my friend list on facebook. i need to simplify my life by asking myself the question what do i want and listening to my answer instead of worrying about how my action will make someone else react.
am i the only one who is this way? well my weekend plans include purging my facebook friends list and cleaning house!
have a great weekend y'all
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
telling stories and lots of laughter
family dinner is a wonderful tradition we have in our family. we aren't able to do it every night, but at least 4 nights a week we do a family meal.
last night we had our dinner and were finishing up dinner when we started talking about funny things our children had done when they were little. it was great telling the stories and listening to our children laugh at things they had done...
seems like yesterday that they were little and toddling we have a junior in hs and a first grader...time is flying too fast.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
another wednesday another hodgepodge
no i haven't fell off the face of the earth! it has been a crazy time in the bluedot house and we are just now getting back into a 'normal' routine again... school started back after the holidays only to have us out of school for snow 2 days then we had a holiday this past monday...shhh don't tell anyone, but i am really ready to have a regular week where i don't have to cram 5 days worth of work into 3 or 4.
well since today is wednesday that means it is wednesday hodgepodge over at joyce's blog this side of the pond. go on over check out everyone else's answers and link up yourself!
1. Do you like your name? Were you named after someone? If you have children how did you settle on their names?
yes, i like my name...however when i was younger i always wanted a longer name. my whole name pre-marriage was 11 letters long so i was always the first person finished filling in the bubbles in those standardized testing booklets. i was named after my maternal great aunt. i have 2 children and with our first we didn't find out the sex until he was born. up until a few days before he was born we had decided on a boys name as walden dill and we were going to call him wally. we were given much grief by everyone about how awful that name was and i was swayed and talked bluedotdad into a different name. with our daughter we decided on a name (a good southern name) and we got grief about that name too, but we held our ground telling our parents that they had had their chance at naming children and this was our turn. now everyone loves her name! both of our children have long names our son has 21 letters in his name and our daughter has 20 letters!
2. How do you define success?
wow, that is a thought provoking question for sure! i think success is a journey that we are all on. like a roller coaster with different peaks and valleys. i think that a successful day is a day that my family is happy, healthy, enjoying life and praising God!
3. Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy?
i like them both...i feel smarter playing along with wheel of fortune than jeopardy. bluedotdad is the jeopardy master of our household.
4. If you could own any single object that you don't have now, what would that object be?
hmmm. i would love to own a house on the beach or lake.
5. What is something that inspires you?
my children inspire me, my husband inspires me...even when they are acting goofy!
6. Meatloaf-yea or nay? If its a yay how do you make yours?
meatloaf is ok...not my favorite but ok...i make my meat mixture with ground sirloin, onion, eggs, ground bread crumbs, salt, pepper, garlic and diced tomato's...after it is all mixed together i line a loaf pan with bread and then put the meatloaf on top of it, cover in ketchup and bake. sometimes i make individual meat loaves by putting a piece of bread and scoop of meat mixture in a muffin pan. my family likes the individual loaves the best!
7. Which is more admirable-the ability to organize and be methodical or the ability to adapt and make do?
both! i cannot function in a space that is unorganized. i think that the you have to be organized, methodical in your thought process...however, you must be able to adapt and make adjustments, make do! i have seen people in my career that cannot or won't adapt and make just makes everyone around them miserable. just because you have always done something one way does not mean that it is the best way...sometimes making a change and trying something new is the best thing you just have to give up on that security and take a chance on the new process!
8. Insert your own random thought here.

my random thought...while we were out of school for the holidays and snow, i became quite the night owl. i stayed up way too late and it took me forever to get back into a normal routine of sleep. anyway, while i was up late, i enjoyed those late night commericals (infomercials) favorite is the pajama jeans...
really thought hard about ordering them. even posted on my facebook wall about it and got other peoples thoughts on it...i didn't order it, but the thought of wearing jeans that comfortable is tempting...but being my luck they would look horrible on me!
happy wednesday y'all,
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
happy new year -- wednesday hodgepodge
1. What three words would you use to describe 2010? chaotic, fun, stressful...this past year was fun but the chaos did cause me stress...i am working hard to make 2011 a calmer, peaceful, and happy year...
2. If fear were not an issue what is something you'd like to try? sell everything that we own and move to africa to work with children there...
3. What do you add to your coffee or tea? coffee, splenda and half and half, well actually i would say i like a little coffee with my splenda and half and half! tea is on ice with sugar and lemon, the only way to drink it!
4. What historical sporting event would you like to witness? i would love to see my son play for the state championship with the rebels...he is a senior next year, i sure do hope i witness this!
5. What is one piece of advice you would like to give your sixteen year old self? embrace who you are, you are the only one that matters...
6. Are you a planner or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants? planner all the way...i have lists and sometimes my lists have lists. i love spreadsheets and planning everything. this does make being spontaneous difficult at times...i suppose i should find a happy medium.
7. What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2011? i suppose if i have to limit it to one thing it would be vacation..i love our family vacations and the memories we make each year...can't wait until we are sitting on the beach, listening to the waves and soaking up the sun!!!
8. Insert your own random thought here. my random thought is that while i was cleaning out and organizing our office this past weekend, i came across fortune cookies that i had saved over the years that were on my desk are the fortunes --
- you will inherit a large sum of money
- you will inherit a large sum of money from an unusual source
- you will always get what you want through your charm and personality
- you will inherit a large sum of money
- success will be yours at home and in business in the next month
- faith comes in moments vice is habitual
- you will inherit a large sum of money
ha, thought it was funny that i had 4 out of 7 fortunes that say i will be inheriting a large sum of money...ok fortune come true in 2011!
Monday, January 3, 2011
back to reality...
christmas break was sure did fly by though! i spent the entire break being a night owl and didn't sleep but 3 hours last night...hoping tonight brings sleep and a early bedtime :-)
it is nice having a teacher workday the first day back from helps to ease us back into the school only if the bluedotkids will be excited to return to school tomorrow...nope not gonna happen! how many days until spring break?
happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances...
it is nice having a teacher workday the first day back from helps to ease us back into the school only if the bluedotkids will be excited to return to school tomorrow...nope not gonna happen! how many days until spring break?
happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
happy new year! 2011 has arrived and so has my desire to make a resolutions list...
happy new year,
- lose some weight
- exercise
- floss everyday
- spend less time on facebook
- read the bible through in 2011
- pray more
- be a better mother
- be a better wife
- be a better friend
happy new year,
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