Wednesday, January 5, 2011

happy new year -- wednesday hodgepodge

1. What three words would you use to describe 2010? chaotic, fun, stressful...this past year was fun but the chaos did cause me stress...i am working hard to make 2011 a calmer, peaceful, and happy year...

2. If fear were not an issue what is something you'd like to try? sell everything that we own and move to africa to work with children there...

3. What do you add to your coffee or tea? coffee, splenda and half and half, well actually i would say i like a little coffee with my splenda and half and half!  tea is on ice with sugar and lemon, the only way to drink it!  

4. What historical sporting event would you like to witness? i would love to see my son play for the state championship with the rebels...he is a senior next year, i sure do hope i witness this!

5. What is one piece of advice you would like to give your sixteen year old self? embrace who you are, you are the only one that matters...

6. Are you a planner or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants? planner all the way...i have lists and sometimes my lists have lists.  i love spreadsheets and planning everything.  this does make being spontaneous difficult at times...i suppose i should find a happy medium.

7. What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2011? i suppose if i have to limit it to one thing it would be vacation..i love our family vacations and the memories we make each year...can't wait until we are sitting on the beach, listening to the waves and soaking up the sun!!!

8. Insert your own random thought here.  my random thought is that while i was cleaning out and organizing our office this past weekend, i came across fortune cookies that i had saved over the years that were on my desk are the fortunes --
  • you will inherit a large sum of money
  • you will inherit a large sum of money from an unusual source
  • you will always get what you want through your charm and personality
  • you will inherit a large sum of money
  • success will be yours at home and in business in the next month
  • faith comes in moments vice is habitual
  • you will inherit a large sum of money
ha, thought it was funny that i had 4 out of 7 fortunes that say i will be inheriting a large sum of money...ok fortune come true in 2011!

now go on over to from this side of the pond and link up with your answers!


  1. #4 sounds like fun~hope it happens for you!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog, and leaving that nice comment.
    I ejoyed reading your answers. I love the beach, too.
    So...about those you have any rich relatives??? LOL

  3. I think I may have to take exception to #7... :P


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