Tuesday, December 14, 2010

the forgetful meme

Welcome to The Queen's Meme
Sometimes silly. Sometimes serious.
#64 is aptly called The Forgetful Meme

I would try to describe the premise in my usual royal manner but I've forgotten how.
1. What is the last thing you forgot to do? i forgot...seriously, i don't know!

2. What is the one thing you are always afraid you will forget to do? lock the doors...my husband says i am ocd about checking the doors to make sure they are locked.  this goes for house doors and car doors...drives him crazy!

3. Can you remember when you were 3 years old? If so, tell us a cute story. If not, make one up. i do remember being 3...i was at my granny and paw paw's house...i snuck into their bathroom and played in my granny's makeup...painted my face up so pretty...granny found me and i didn't get into any trouble...she just laughed and took my picture....i think my mom has that picture, i need to get it and scan it, i was so cute!

4. Fill in the blank. I would like to forget the time my husband tried to close his xterra back hatch on my head on purpose accident but I will always remember it when i am within in 2 feet of the back of his car.  it wasn't on purpose, he was just not paying attention and then boom the corner of the hatch hit my head with the force of him trying to slam it shut...i saw stars and cried and cried!

5. Fill in the blank. I will never forget the first time I saw my husband.  i was 15 and i was at a beauty pageant at our high school..he was sitting in a window on the edge of the auditorium...the most handsome guy i had ever laid my eyes upon...i still get butterflies when i think about seeing him that first time! swoon!

6. Who, in your opinion, is the world's forgotten hero? teachers!  teachers are with children teaching them, encouraging them, supporting them...and all to often the teacher gets blamed for countless things...these people give of their time, their hearts, their all and most times are not even appreciated.  

7. Find a word that rhymes with forget and use it to write a funny sentence.  i was playing my clarinet when i met a funny pet with a wet tourniquet who was in much debt, but i forget where where we met...

there you have my answers...now you answer them and link up...happy tuesday,

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