I did not forget earth hour...I am always a good steward of mother earth and would never not realize it was earth hour until it was over.
I did not spend 3 hours cleaning bluedotprincess' room on Saturday...I would never allow my child's room to get that out of control.
I did not let bluedotteen watch The Hangover with us on Friday night and pause the movie and embaress him with random questions about the birds and the bees. I am a great mom and would never allow my son to watch a unrated version of a movie, much less embarress him...oh and if I did that I most certainly would not have laughed and laughed at his embarssement.
I did not have a fabulous weekend and want it to last longer. I am always so ready for Monday morning and the return to work and school.
There you have my not me's! I hope everyone has a terrific week!