Tuesday, April 12, 2011

listening for god

i am trying to be still and listen to what god says...it is hard.  i have lots of junk in my head, lots of noise, lots of distractions...  i know that i am not alone.  we visited a small group at our church on saturday night and there was a discussion about hearing god.  my husband summed up the night's discussion this way:

'I was meditating this morning on our conversations last night I made a connection.  There appeared to be several threads of conversations taking place.  The first relating to the fact that God is speaking to us all of the time and that we just need to listen to him.  If we could all just take time to be still and listen, we might hear what He is saying to us.  Elise's examples of how God has spoken to her over the past few weeks was quite inspiring.  A second thread concerned parenting and the frustrations many of us are experiencing at the moment allowing our kids to make mistakes.  Several of us said that we continually give our kids advice and that they continually ignore it....anyone getting the connection.  Imagine how frustrated our Father is when we ignore him.  In my current frustrations as the parent of a teen, I have an inkling of an idea.'

as a parent of a teenager i see and understand what is like to be ignored...wow...how many times have i ignored god?  last week i had an instance where i was in the drive thru line at a fast food restaurant, where i had this strong urge to pay for the food of the lady in line behind me...it was a urgent feeling, nagging feeling...i didn't listen to it.  i am ashamed, looking back i feel like god was telling me to do this for this lady and i didn't listen.

i am trying to quiet myself, quiet the noise, spend more time in prayer with god and listen for him and his instructions for me.

many blessings,

1 comment:

  1. I have a white board in my kitchen that I jot little inspirations on from time to time. Friday of last week I wrote, "Be still." I'm having similar feelings over here.

    Love your blog!

    <3 Stacy from Raleigh


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