Friday, April 8, 2011

you get what you pay for..

my sweet husband saw a livingsocial deal and bought it for was for a mani/pedi.  i used the coupon last night to get my toes and nails did...

i have to go back and tell you that it was a super deal on the services, $13 for both!  it was at a beauty school.  i thought hey cool they have to learn and i really need a little pampering.  well i got to the school a few minutes before my appointment time.  i had to complete a form and sign a waiver as it was a student doing the work, but was told like 4 or 5 times that a teacher would be supervising the services.  Still thought this is going to be great!

this 22ish girl comes in and takes me back to the nail room.  i don't know her name as she didn't introduce her self to me...i chalked it up to her being a student and just not remembering.  so she asks me to pick out my polish and i do...then she is assembling the items she will need for the pedicure and starts to get the foot tub ready.  they have the nice pedicure chairs so i think this is going to be so nice...i am looking around the room and i notice these posters with numbered reminders of what is a pedicure, spa pedicure, manicure and spa manicure.  my voucher was just for a regular mani/pedi, no spa!

she asks me about the temperature of the water, i explain i want it warm not hot...well i test the water and it is a little too warm but  i think hey i can suck it up...she has poured in the foot soap/soak stuff i have my feet in the water...then she turns on the jets...well she must have missed the day when they went over amounts of each item to use, because i have bubbles up to my knees!  i pull out my right foot and she makes a comment about my tattoo.  she says, 'oh that is cute'... now i have noticed that she has several tattoos and a lip piercing.  she then proceeds to tell me how she regrets everyone of her tattoos and her piercings (yes she told me about the other ones she had that i could not see)...she regretted them because she got them before she was a christian and knows how we aren't supposed to damage our bodies.  but god forgave her since she did it to her body before she became a christian... i am sitting there in shock, so she basically just told me that i was a sinner and destined to hell because of my flower tattoo on my i told her that i was a christian and that i had just gotten my tattoo 2 years ago and was a christian then too and that i didn't believe that i was going to go to hell for having it!

so each time i pull a foot out of the water i have bubbles to my knees...she finally finishes up the pedicure and we move to do my fingers.  more chitty chatting as she does my nails.  i learn a little too much about her life.  some people just do not have a filter and she didn't.  she finally finishes up my fingers and it is 7:30, my appointment began at 5:30, just for a regular mani/pedi.  now i have to tell you at no time while she has been doing my nails has any teacher came into check on us.  however, several other students have came in to ask my student questions about their worksheets.  i suppose i got a smart student, as she finally proceeds to tell them i have mine finished, just go get it and copy it.

so after she is finished i have to wait for a teacher to come look at my toes and fingers to see if they are ok.  now is the time that i have to describe my nails. there is polish outside of my nail bed, all on the cuticles and actually on my toes.  the teacher tells my student, you did a great job.  my student thanks me and i can leave...2 hours for a mani/pedi that looks like one of my dachshunds gave me, seriously!

i truly appreciate bluedotdad for thinking about me and giving me this me was nice to have a little me time...but i have decided that i won't be letting anyone practice on my hair! (my student tried to get me to make an appointment with her for color for this upcoming week, because she is graduating in may!)

i think am going to let bluedotprincess do my nails this weekend...i will let you know who did a better job!


  1. I was thinking about going to the school in our area to get my hair colored but now, I think I'll pass. LOL

  2. yes, i would think the school i went to they had 2 different tiers with different prices for students with more hours....also they had notices posted about not liking your services everywhere. if you didn't like it you had to make an appointment to have someone else 'fix' it there would be no refunds!


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