next stop was to the gas station as i was completely on empty. well the rain, if you call it that when you are being pelted from every imaginable position. i swear the concrete was raining up at me. after pumping just enough gas to get me to work and back, i was drenched. back home we went for me to change. now i had already had enough problems finding the first outfit, this was truly not how i had envisioned my morning.
after finally leaving the house for the second time...we get to the main intersection we must encounter that usually will have 3 light cycle changes before i can manage to get through it....guess what the lights were OUT! people if the lights are not working you are to treat it is a 4-way stop. undoubtedly the people who travel the roads in alabama do not know this as no one stopped. i finally got through that intersection and then took an alternative route the rest of the way to school because the bigger intersection had no lights as well...
we made it to school and i dropped bluedotprincess on to my school and the parking lot. well we must be having some parent event, because there are no parking spaces. i really should have a designated parking space, i mean in a perfect world i would, right? well after finally finding a space, forever away. the bottom falls out again, rain, wind, rain sideways, rain every direction hitting me. finally make it into the building and begin drying out...
today 3 of our homerooms were given cookie cakes for winning a spirit door decoration contest. guess who got to go out in the beautiful weather to get the cakes? me...well made to the store and got the cakes and back into the car without much fanfare...then i arrive back at school. drop the cakes by the front door and go to park my car. my umbrella decided it didn't want to be used and got stuck inside the car and then on my steering wheel...soaking me from the water that was left on it...then there was some sharp edge on the umbrella that proceeded to attack me. i was bleeding and running in the rain with my contrary umbrella that refused to open.
now, i am drying out and have my hand bandaged. it is my right hand which makes anything almost impossible to accomplish!
here's hoping that you all have had a much better day than me!
on another note, today is my daddy's birthday. i couldn't be more proud to have him as my daddy...