Thursday, November 4, 2010

free therapy aka thank you very much!

it's thursday and that means free therapy day, thank you very much over at the daily dribbles

this is the last linky for thank you very much.  thanks to kmama for hosting this past year.  it has been fun and helped my mental status greatly!

thank you very much

  • to bluedotprincess for destroying your bedroom.  i really enjoy cleaning you room and having you trash it in 2 minutes!  you're 7, it is time you clean your own room!
  • to pai pai the wonder dog for bringing me the present of a half chewed lizard...i really don't like lizards when they are alive and would prefer you leave them ALL outside!
  • to sweet tea, why do you taste so good?  i am addicted to you and can't make it one day without you!
  • to bluedotdad for getting me hooked on dexter.  i really need to be watching this show about a serial killer, makes my dreams so much more interesting!
i've seriously had a pretty good week.  hope you all have as well, but if not what better than to hop on the thank you very much bandwagon and link up.  go on this is your last chance!  type out those frustrations, post them and link's free and you will feel sooooo much better!

happy thursday bloggersphere!


  1. Thanks so much for linking up! I appreciate all the times you've linked up.

    A half chewed lizard? eek. I have chills thinking about it.

  2. yep, it was gross! i made bluedotteen discard of it!

  3. Oy - the lizard sounds yucky! I'm too scared (and too busy, ha ha) to catch Dexter. Glad I've been warned, hee hee!


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