Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wednesday hodgepodge

It's Wednesday and that means Wednesday's Hodgepodge over at Joyce's blog this side of the pond

1. What is the most amazing weather you've ever seen? Storms coming in off the gulf are the most amazing weather events I have ever seen! 

2. What is a sound or noise you love? I adore the sound of my children's laughter...there is nothing sweeter in the whole world than their laughs!

3. Do you like seafood? What's your favorite seafood dish? I love favorite is shrimp and grits.  I do have a funny story about calamari.  When bluedotteen was a baby we were on vacation at the beach.  bluedotdad and I went out for dinner and we decided to be adventurous and try the calamari at the suggestion of the waitress.  Well one bite and I broke out in hives and started itching.  We had a sitter and this was one of the first times we had been out since the birth of little man.  What we had planned to be a romantic evening turned into a itchy, splotchy, benadryl haze.  Needless to say, I NEVER will eat calamari again!

4. What part of your day requires the most patience? My patience is tested daily on the drive to school and from school as bluedotprincess talks my ears off.  Yesterday I asked her if we could be quiet until we got home, she said sure mom!  Within 2 seconds she was talking again.  Somedays I want to scream BE QUIET!  Lots of deep breaths and telling myself you are going to miss these conversations one day help some!

5. What's your favorite shade of blue? Royal Blue is my favorite right now, as this is one of our Rebel colors for my son's football team! Go Rebels!

6. Do people underestimate you? Yes.  I think over time lots of people have underestimated me, but that is fine with me.  I know what my capabilities are and it doesn't bother me.

7. When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Last Friday night when we were in the 2nd round of football playoffs...that feeling of will we win, will we lose!  We lost, it was bittersweet.  They had a good season and we are all proud of them!

8. Insert your own random thought here, and remember...I have a wooden spoon and I'm not afraid to use it. RANDOM THOUGHT!  Why can't we all celebrate Thanksgiving and wait for the Christmas music and decorations?  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and it irks me that is rushed through.  You don't even get your halloween decorations put up and then Christmas decorations are bombarding you everywhere.  Come on people enjoy this wonderful holiday, give it it's due and BE THANKFUL!

Ok, now it is your turn.  Link up to this side of the pond and give us your answers to Wednesday's Hodgepodge!


  1. I agree with the rush on Christmas decorating. I love Christmas but it takes away a little bit from the Thanksgiving holiday when we start into the decorating Nov.1st!

    I love shrimp and grits!

  2. I live on the Gulf Coast too, and you're right...the storms are amazing!

    Had to comment too about your school's mascot...the Rebels. My high school mascot was the Rebels too! So, from one to another, Hi!

    Enjoyed all of your answers. Sounds like we have a lot in common!

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  3. I agree, Christmas is rushed too much, and Thanksgiving is over-looked. I'm trying extra hard to be more thankful this year, by doing the 30 day giving thanks challenge.


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