Wednesday, November 10, 2010

wednesday hodgepodge

today i am participating in the wednesday hodgepodge, initation edition over at from this side of the pond

1. Do you think you're more like your mom or your dad?
that is a hard question...i think i have qualities from both of them...some good, some bad!

2. Do you like roller coasters?
YES!  love, love, love roller coasters...unfortunately, bluedotdad does not!

3. How did you name your blog and do you now wish you'd thought about it maybe another five minutes before you hit publish? Would you change your blog title if it were not a huge pain in the derriere? (French makes everything sound a little nicer doesn't it?)
honestly, it was the first thing that came to is what it is and i pretty much like it!

4. What is the best wedding gift you received? Not married? Didn't get any gifts? Then what is the best wedding gift you've given?
my most prized wedding gifts are a wedding ring quilt my grandmother quilted for me and a set of china she gave me.

5. What is the one bill you most hate to pay?
my student loans...i think i hate it the most because it feels like they will never be paid off!

6. Is the glass half full or half empty?
half full...i always try to look for the good in things!  otherwise, i think life would be so depressing!

7. What is your favorite word? Okay okay. Calm down. How about oneof your favorite words?
hmmm, this is a hard one for me...but i suppose my favorite word at the moment would be really...yep really.  i seem to ask/use really a lot lately. sorta like the snl weekend updates with amy poehler.

8. Now, this is where you insert one random thought of your own...maybe something that struck you as funny, something that recently had you scratching your head in confusion, something that annoyed you a teensy bit, something on your to do list, something you are looking forward to, whatever. As long as it is in keeping with the friendly tone we've all come to know and love on Wednesdays then we're good. Don't make me get out my wooden spoon.
ok my random thought is that i am now considered the post office by my husband.  on monday when i picked my purse up to leave, i noticed there was an envelop to be mailed inside my purse.  now he did not say, hey will you mail this for me or anything.  just stuck it in there and expected me to mail it.  i didn't have any stamps, i don't work near a post office!  so now i should add postal worker to my wifely resume!

this was fun...head on over to from this side of the pond and link up your answers to this week's wednesday hodgepodge


  1. Hey, that's the same way Hubs 'asks' me to mail something! LOL

  2. My kids consider me a post office too! What's with that?

    Nice to meet you by the way!

  3. Thanks for playing along was fun to read your answers. Husbands are funny, especially those who've been around a while : )


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